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Dietary treatment of patients who attend or are at risk of malnutrition with metabolic stress, protein requirements increased or decreased protein intake requiring enteral nutrition tube.
Mechanical swallowing disorders or traffic coursing with aphagia odisfagia severaTumores head and neck, maxillofacial gastrointestinalesCirugía and otorrinolaringológicaTrastornos neuromotor to prevent swallowing or transit and require severe degenerative sondaProcesos central nervous system, special vasculocerebralRequerimientos accident energy and / or nutrientesPacientes malnourished that they will be subjected to programadao major surgery transplants, patients with burns, multiple trauma, críticosPacientes with sarcopenia linked to envejecimientoPacientes with ulcers clinics presióSituaciones malnourished severaCaquexia cancerous chronic enteritis treated radio quimioterapiaCuando no contra-indication dietary fibers , Fibre ®Protein Isosource use. RECOMMENDED DAILY DOSEAs exclusive diet 1500-2000 ml and as a complementary diet ≥500ml depending on the nutritional needs of the patient.