Sline Control Keto-Burner is a metabolic support food supplement. Its maximum potency formula for metabolism is ideal for optimal energy metabolism and serves as ketogenic support. It has a high content of L-Carnitine and specific phytoextracts. Properties of Slin Control Keto-Burner: L-Carnitine: a plays a fundamental role in fat metabolism, since it allows the transport of long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria, to later be degraded to produce energy. It has been shown that supplementation with L-Carnitine is beneficial for overweight, to improve glucose tolerance and to increase energy expenditure. Black pepper: it is very rich in piperine, a substance with powerful antioxidant and temogenic activity. It blocks the formation of new fat cells and reduces the level of fat in the bloodstream. Green tea: contains, apart from theine, a component with thermogenic effects: EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate). The caffeine (theine) in Green Tea stimulates the release of adrenaline, which activates the metabolism and increases the thermogenic effect. EGCG enhances this effect by delaying the decrease in adrenaline in the blood. Raspberry: Raspberry extract is rich in several substances, among which ketones stand out: a substance that gives them their characteristic aroma. Raspberry extract helps cells break down fat more effectively, increasing the “burning” effect. In addition, it helps increase adiponectin levels, a key hormone for regulating metabolism. People with a normal body weight have higher levels of adiponectin than those who are overweight. How to use: It is recommended to take 2 to 4 capsules a day, with a glass of water (unless otherwise prescribed).